Breakfast With the Word Wednesday 13th Week in Ordinary Time of the Year B
Matthew 8:28-34.
It is so good to believe and accept that the best thing that could happen to us is to live in Jesus and walk with Him every day of our lives. Everywhere He goes, wherever He is, powerful things happen.
The event of today is simply an eye-opener that the devil cannot withstand His presence. His presence is a scourge to demons. Now we understand what St. Johnbosco says that apart from the mass, the devil is so much afraid of anyone who visits Jesus daily in the Blessed Sacrament.
In today’s gospel, Jesus is not the person that saw the demoniac. Immediately He reaches the land of the Gadarenes on the other side of the lake, two demoniacs came towards Him out of the tomb and began to shout.
Therefore the presence of Jesus was a discomfort to them. This indicates that the presence of Jesus is a healing presence, secret of deliverance, holiness and change. Therefore, we need the presence of Jesus daily.
The Encounter.
Today as Jesus enters Gadara, He was met by two people who are under demonic possession. What truly inspires me in this encounter is that these demoniacs only met Jesus and began to shout when Jesus has not yet spoken.
These were the people that today’s gospel says that they are so fierce that no one dared to pass their way. But only the presence of Jesus put them to their knees. The presence of Jesus kept the demons trembling and put the whole city in fear. No one could withstand Him.
Therefore, no power can withstand the presence of Jesus. If you need anointing, if you truly want your life to change, spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament as often as you can.
It is a devotion I suggest to anyone. The presence of Jesus is the secret of grace, the secret of anointing, the secret of power and deliverance.
The problem is that many Christians do not have that desire to be in God’s presence. We feel comfortable always away from God’s presence but always become weak to be in God’s presence.
Yet in God’s presence is the secret of what we need to grow as Christians. Through His abiding presence, one can tap inspiration that can change His/her life forever.
Demons Understand the Power of His Presence.
It is somehow so disheartening that demons know and understand the power of Jesus better than many of us do. In the gospel, they shout, “what do you want of us Son of God? Have you come to torment us?
Demons understand the power of His presence. They know that His presence is a torment to them already. They know they cannot withstand it. That is why they begged Him to leave. But guess what? We who profess our fidelity to the same Jesus abandon Him in our time of trouble. Then, we go back to find solutions in those places that are already afraid of Him. What an irony?
Demons understand the power of the abiding presence of Jesus Christ.
This is the reason they will always make you weak whenever you want to pray. Demons will give you thousands of reasons why you should not visit the Blessed Sacrament. They will tell you to postpone the prayer until the next day.
Demons will give you friends that will dry the little spiritual power that you have.
They will give you thousands of reasons you should not be going to church, but they won’t give you reasons you should be going to shopping, hotels, restaurants etc., to enjoy your life. You will find the strength to do things outside of God’s presence, but when it comes to God, you become tired.
Immediately, you go for confession and amend your life, that is when temptations will start coming from nowhere. These evil spirits will do everything to make us weak in prayer. They understand that whoever comes to Jesus automatically will become a new creature. Demons will then tempt you to detest God’s presence.
Demons Understand the Power of His Words.
Secondly, these demons know the power of His words. Just as the Centurion in Matthew 8:5-13 tells Jesus, “only say the word, and my servant will be healed”, the demons request Jesus to command them to go into the swine.
When Jesus speaks, the storm will listen. When He speaks, demons will bow, but when Jesus speaks to man, He doubts and consequently remains disobedient. We then continue to suffer.
When Jesus speaks, sickness, demons, natural disasters will obey, but we who profess faith in the same Jesus do not take His words seriously.
Let us understand the anointing power of the presence of Jesus and take His words seriously.
Let us walk with Jesus all the days of our lives, let us spend time to visit Him often, His presence might be all you need.
May He bless you dearest, and constantly remain very close to you especially in times of distress. Amen
Read more.
Fidelity to God. Solemnity of Ss Peter and Paul June 29
What It Means To Be A Follower of Jesus Christ
When You Need Healing From God, Do These
The Centurion teaches us six things that gladden the Heart of God
Thank you Padre, may ur fountain of wisdom never run dry, amen. Good morning
Thank you Fr
Amen.As I have been visiting the blessed sacrament,each time I went there,I always come out with peace of mind, and interior joy.Thank God for this breakfast with word.God bless you Father,I will try best to keep it up!!!
Amen thanx do much father may the good lord have mercy on me and gives me courage that Will make me not be afraid of wat is happening smd may mother Mary the mother of undoing of all kinds of knots undo this knot of marriage in my life so that I can also feel the joy and the presence of the united kingdom of Lord my saviour Amen
Oh Lord! I am very sorry for my absence in the Blessed Sacrament.
Pls Father God, fill me with grace and strength to always look forward to visiting you in the Blessed Sacrament. Amen
May God help me to know him more. Amen
Thank you Father for reminding me of the importance of constant visitation to the blessed sacrament
I will make it a point of duty
Remain blessed father
Your grace oh God we pray for so we will always listen to you, believe solely and desire your abiding presence always, Amen
Amen father
My Lord may I always dwell in your presence
God, give me the grace to understand when you speak and the grace to do your will in Jesus name, Amen
May God grant me the grace to always seek him and to be in his presence at all times…Amen
May God continue to strengthen you Father Sanctus to do more and grant you more wisdom and Grace…Amen
May God bless me with his grace to always be in his presence. Amen….
Thank you father.
Amen. Jesus, may I never doubt your speaking to me.
Thank you Fr.
Lord give us the grace to always savour coming to your presence all the days that we may live in Jesus name Amen
May we always find joy to be in your presence Lord Amen
Amen. May God continue to grant us the grace to be aware of his power in our lives.
God help me to Obey so that I may enjoy the Grace of the presence of Jesus in my life and receive Total healing of my body soul and mind Amen and Thank you fr
The blessed sacrament has always been my last bus stop especially when things are really tough for me. He is a friend i always confide in
Oh sweet Jesus Christ, may the anointing power of your presence continue to abide with us. Amen
Thank you Father for reminding me of the importance of constant visitation to the blessed sacrament
I will make it a point of duty
Remain blessed father
Oh sweet Jesus Christ, may the anointing power of your presence continue to abide with us. Amen
Amen 🙏
Amen ,
Remain blessed fr
Amen.This world has a way of distracting us from God’s presence.We need His grace
Amen. May God continue to manifest His power in all who wholeheartedly put their trust in Him. May Jesus, present in the blessed sacrament, never abandon us as we struggle to win our heaven race. I pray in Jesus name, amen.
Lord I need your presence in my life to encounter you, for I know that no one have encounter you and remain the same
Amen! Thank you Father.
Lord,I need your presence in my life,do not allow me to separate myself from you,give me the grace to stand firm in your words and also strong in faith
Amen! Thank you Jesus,,.
Amen. Thank you Father for this wonderful reflection.
Amen. may almighty God gives us grace to always be in his presence more often than any other things in our lives in Jesus might name we prayed. Amen. Thank you fr.santus for this wonderful reflection .
God bless you for us.
God May these Words we hear and Receive from you daily, Never Depart from us till the end of our Days on Earth. Through Christ Our Lord Amen.
Amen Amen Amen 🔥