Breakfast With the Word Friday 5th Week Ordinary Time of the Year
Mark 7:31-37
Healing means the process of becoming well again. Healing here indicates that someone was not healthy or sound before. In Mark 7:31-37, the man brought to Jesus was deaf and had a speech impediment. Jesus restored him to normalcy. To heal then means to make someone who is not well, back to life or better again.
The Gospel.
In the gospel of Mark 7:31-37 when Jesus returned from the territory of Tyre and hence moving to the way of Sidon, people brought to Him a man who is deaf and has an impediment in the way He speaks. They asked Jesus to lay His hands on the man.
Jesus takes him aside and away from the people who gathered around Him. He put His fingers into His ear and touched his tongue with spittle. With a deep sigh, Jesus looked up to heaven and said to Him “Ephphatha; which means “be open”.
Immediately, His ears opened, and the tongue loosed. Because of this, people who observed this great miracle began to sing His praises that everything He does is good.
Jesus Heals.
Many people live around Tyre and Sidon, and there are many today who gathered around Jesus. Among these people, they bring the man who needs healing to Jesus.
It is a message for us to take; that if we sincerely need to be made well again, we need the presence of God. The ministry of healing forms the core of the work of Jesus, and the same Jesus is still alive today. The doctor can cure and help the sick, but true healing comes from God.
Our God is the only who heals us from natural and spiritual infirmity. He brings us to life again when we are dead in sin. We need God all the time to be spiritually alive.
The Impaired.
The man who receives healing today has an impediment of speech. It means that his speech was impaired and broken. Hence, there is something that impedes, blocks and interferes with His sense of speaking. This impediment could not withstand the power of Jesus.
In the same vein, there are many today who are passing through impediments. There may be something impeding your progress in life, or things are not going normal as they should be.
Take time and take the case to the presence of the Lord. He can heal you again. Whether we like it or not, we need God’s grace in everything that we do. Immediately Jesus speaks, everything comes to normalcy. It is like what happened at the beginning of creation.
The Word of God addresses every human situation. Allow God to speak into your heart and direct you. Spend quiet moments with Him and study His Word. Then, allow the word to address any particular situation in your life that is impaired. You will find life again.
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Top Ten Reasons It is not wrong to ask the Blessed Virgin Mary to pray for us
When It looks as If God does not answer prayers: Mark 7:24-30
The Secret About the Inside: Mark 7:14-23
Our Reverence to God; True or Worthless? Mark 7:1–13
The Deaf.
The deaf is someone unable to hear. The man who received healing today was also deaf. There are also times we become deaf to the things of God and harden our hearts to His Word.
When we find ourselves at this point, we need Jesus to come into our hearts again. We need Him to speak directly to us. But we need to grant Him access and open our hearts to Him.
Sin has darkened our hearts to the extent we seem to have blocked our hearts to Him. Let us give God the chance to make a home into our hearts.
Secondly, just like the people today become the vehicle for the healing of this man, we can also be the vehicle God can heal those who have paid deaf ears to Him, and many whose progress is impaired. We can do this through the things we say, do, work and write. You can be the answer to the prayer someone has been saying since years now. Let us always be willing to help the much we can.
God works In His Way.
Healing comes from God, and God works in the way He wants and not the way we want. There are times we pray, and it looks as if the things we pray, do not come the way we want. We have to know that God must not dance to our tune.
When the people brought the man to Jesus today, they told Jesus to lay His hands on the man. Thereby telling Jesus what they want Him to do and the way He is to do it. But, Jesus does otherwise. Instead, Jesus put His fingers into his ears and touched his tongue with spittle. Then He shouted ephphatha.
Laying hands on the man is not wrong, but Jesus works miracles and heals people the way He wants and not the way we want. Our function then is to pray but how and when to do it is God to decide. So whether He answers immediately or not, never lose hope still.
Every healing comes from God. Like what the people said today, “whatever way God decides to answer our prayers, whenever He wants to, and whichever way He thinks is better for you is always good.
Everything God does is good. The problem is that we have failed to look beyond what we see presently.
May God bless you and answer your prayers even when you think He cannot. May He surprise you. Amen.
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Contact with Jesus: Breakfast with the Word Mark 6: 53-56
Compassion in the Life of Jesus
Amen! & Amen! Many thanks to you Fr and God bless you too for this msg of hope as always.
May God heal us Spiritually, physically, emotionally, psychologically and all round health wise according to his will and all to his glory in Jesus name, Amen!
God bless you Fr
Thank You Jesus for all You do, I need Your healing hands on my mums eyes and my own eyes. That surgery that the doctor proposed for my mum will never hold in Jesus most merciful name, Amen
Oh Lord please heal my mom of all illness and diseases, Amen
God I Really Needs Your Mighty Healing Upon My Life. Amen
God I Really Needs Your Mighty Healing Upon My Life. Amen
Oh Lord please heal me and my husband of all of our sickness, infirmities. Heal our homes and make us well
Amen and may you oh Lord Jesus grant me healing in every area of my life
Amen. Father indeed you are the Great Healer, you healed my mom and rescued her from the hand of death, may you continue to heal us both physical and spiritually in Jesus mighty name Amen. Thank you Jesus!!!
Amen. God bless you Padre.
Surprise me oh Lord, my God. Amen

Please, Heal my impediments dear God, both physical and spiritual. Also grant healing upon my mother and give us grace never to loose hope in you.
Father Lord please in your infinite Mercy visit me and heal me of all my sickness, diseases and infermities through Christ our Lord Amen
Heal me oh Lord from every infirmities both spiritual and physical through Christ our Lord Amen
Amen and Amen! Thank you Father.
Amen, Lord Jesus,heal every of my infirmities n impediments both Spiritual and corporal. Amen
Amen! Lord please heal me.
Thank you Father

Thank you Padre. May the Lord continue favour us at all times
God bless you Padre
Dear Jesus, I thank you for the gift of sound and speech. With my mouth and lifestyle I will proclaim your goodness, love and mercy to me wherever I go. Loosen my success and whatever is tied down in my life. Open the ear of my heart so that I can hear the still small voice that guides me to right actions. Help me to speak words of wisdom and encouragement to those I meet. Free me from prejudice that has blocked the ears of my heart. Give me an attentive heart and a listening ear. I equally bring all my dear sick ones into Your Divine presence that You’ll grant them Divine healing. So help us God! Amen!!!
I receive divine healing in my life in the name of the Father and of the son and of the holy spirit Amen

Amen Fr
Amen. I’m healed in Jesus name Amen
Amen, May God give you more wisdom Padre