Breakfast with the Word Wednesday 14th Week Ordinary Time Year B
Matthew 10:1-7.
A mission is a specific task that someone in authority charges another person or a group to do.
When someone in authority or group sends someone or charges him to carry out a particular task or fulfil an objective, it means that the person is on a mission.
In the gospel, Jesus chooses His apostles who are twelve in number and charges them to go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, proclaiming to them that the kingdom of God is at hand. This missionary mandate continues through the apostles and is handed over to us from age to age.
Therefore, the Church has a missionary mandate to carry out and continue the work of evangelization, touching souls and preaching the good news.
In the same vein, we also have our mission on earth. Jesus also sends us on the mission to touch and bring back the lost sheep among us.
It is God that calls and chooses.
Today, Jesus calls His apostles and gives them authority over unclean spirits and to heal every disease. No apostle forced himself on Jesus. Jesus freely calls and chooses them. None of them assumed the authority. After calling them, Jesus grants them the authority to go to the lost sheep of Israel, which He repeated before ascending into heaven in Matthew 29.
Therefore every authority is given. Authority is the legitimate power vested upon someone because of the position the person occupies.
Therefore in this mission, the work we do is given. We do not assume authority on our own accord. The authority to work in the vineyard of God has to come from the Lord of the Vineyard.
Therefore, whatever we need for the work, we have to ask the Lord of the Vineyard. When we pray, and it seems nothing is moving forward, remember that everything you have, God gives them to you. The best approach is to meet the Giver of gifts, the Lord of the Vineyard, the Bestower of graces.
No One does It Alone.
In today’s gospel, Jesus takes His time and selects twelve able-bodied men as a representative of the Twelve tribes of Israel. This teaches us that the work is collaborative. It is not a one man’s work.
This is teaching us the importance of working together with others and as a community. Jesus is God and has unlimited power, but He chooses men who are going to continue from where He would stop.
In every work we do, it is good to remind us that we need the other person. We may need his or her ideas, support and strength to move forward. Therefore, we need to understand the importance of putting heads together to work in collaboration with other people.
Jesus did not do the work alone. Therefore, we should not think we can do the work alone. We need advice, encouragement, time, gifts, talents, support and the prayers of the other person.
Maybe the person you are having problems with today, or that person you are so envious of, is the one God puts in your path to help you. Sometimes, we make the mistake of fighting people whom God has ordained to help us achieve our life dreams.
Let us learn the need to work in togetherness and love. No one does the work alone. The mission that brings you into this world needs the collaborative help of someone. Who knows, it may be the person you are fighting today.
In the Twelve
In the twelve, we have men of different abilities, towns, cities, tribes, capabilities, strengths and weaknesses, different missions, etc., but for the same work.
Jesus did not for one day expel anyone. He accommodates their strengths and weaknesses and uses them all for the good of the gospel. In many communities, churches, groups, associations, it is always good to know that the people we work with are men and women of different abilities, strengths and weaknesses.
The work might still have something positive they can contribute, for God does not make mistakes in choosing. So, in the mission of saving the lost souls, let us understand that everyone may have something he can contribute.
Therefore, never underrate the other person. Our strengths, abilities, gifts etc., are not the same. In the apostles, you will find tax collectors, fishermen, etc. Everyone has a place he is a specialist.
Read More
Where is Saint Thomas When Jesus appeared to the Apostles?
The Harvest is Plenty. Tuesday 14th Week Ordinary Time
How to Surrender Your Problems To God. Monday 14th Week
The Challenges of Our Mission And What To Do. 14th Sunday
To the Lost.
The mission we have on earth is to touch souls and bring them back to God as Jesus tells his apostles to go to the lost sheep of the tribes of Israel. There are people who are living with us and around us who have lost faith in God.
There are people have become unbelievers overnight. Therefore, our mission is to bring the gospel to them.
The mission is not only for those who support us, those who are with us and sing our praises. The mission includes souls who have not heard about God, those who need conversion, and many souls who have gone astray. Let us bring the gospel to them.
There is a soul somewhere that might need what you can offer. It may be just your idea, encouragement, advice, book etc. We may not know those we touch, with the little things we do. The mission needs even that little thing you can offer.
May God bless you dearest and give us the grace to touch souls for Him. May He never abandon you Amen.
Lord help me to answer you whenever you calls. Thank you lord for your word and I need your strength to do the needful.
Amen 🙏🙏🙏
Amen thank you padre for the inspiring words of God
Amen to your prayers.
Lord, please grant me the grace know my mission on Earth. Amen
Amen, remain blessed Bro.
Amen 🙏🙏🙏
Amennnnnnn. We give God all the glory for calling you to serve in His vineyard, may God continue to strengthen you in health, Wisdom and understanding through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen
May the Almighty God help us do the works allocated to us in Jesus Name. Amen
Help me to touch souls for you Oh Lord.
May God help us carry out his mission on earth, Amen
Amen. May God bless you too Padre and grant you divine protection always! Thanks.
Thank you dear Lord for enlightenment that everyone has something to contribute in our life n mission on earth, we should never write anyone off because those might even be the ones God have sent our way to help us on our life journey.
Amen Fr
The Lord of vineyard hear and answer me as I ask for your gifts in Psalm 127..
Also the grace to win souls to you..Amen
This is a great call for us to bring back the lost souls among us. I was truly encouraged by this message. God bless you for sharing this.
Give us the strength to do Your will dear Lord! 🙏🙏🙌🙌🙏🏼
Thank you Padre.
Amen! Thank you Jesus for your delicious breakfast. Father I lean on you for more strength.
Amen and Amen
Amen 🙏🙏🙏
Amen 🙏.
Lord help me to touch your people with love and humility
God don’t abandon me, I am your child
Amen! & Amen! Many thanks and God bless you too Fr.
Amen oooo, God bless you, padre
May God give us the grace to accommodate those around us, so that we will be able to carry out the work of God with them…Amen
Amen. Thank you so much brother.
Amen thanks Padre God bless you 🙏
A big Amen
Thanks brother…
Amen amen and amen
Amen! wonderful Father I bless your name this morning for the great word you have spoken to me. indeed I really appreciate. I pray for more grace to carry the mission to the nooks and crannies of the earth through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen.
Amen, remain blessed to the glory of God’s name, Amen
Amen 🙏🙌🙏
Amen 🙏
Amen. God bless you Fr.
A powerful Amen.
Amen 🙏
Lord give me the Grace to go out and know those people out there that needs to hear your words especially those who have stopped coming closer to your presence because of Challenges.
Lord also increase the anointing of your Priesthood and his wisdom upon you… God bless you Padre