Breakfast with the Word Thursday First Week of Advent
A foundation is the underlying part of a building. The strength of every building is determined by how strong the foundation is.
Foundations are always made with concrete underneath the building to make sure nothing will pull the building down. This is what happens to any life that makes Jesus his foundation.
A Little Understanding
The Greek word phronimo as used in the gospel of today. Matthew 7:21 24-27 describes a wise man as someone who is practically wise, thoughtful, and intelligent.
While the word moro describes the fool as senseless, stupid and foolish. Today Jesus sets the distinguishing factor between who is wise and not wise.
The difference in these factors is living according to His dictates.
In the gospel, Jesus says:
From the gospel, Jesus seems to indicate that whoever lives according to Godly principles is the wise man but whoever lives on His own principles or whoever abandons God is foolish.
The Point
The point here is that the Word of God is not merely for the sake of preaching it or listening to it. It goes deeper than these.
Also, the word of God is not for entertainment purposes. We do not hear it for the sake of hearing it and yet continue from where we stopped.
We hear the Word so that we shall take it as a guiding principle in everything we do. This is not merely when we keep the ten commandments.
This is when we do certainly and accordingly whatever Jesus says. At the wedding at Cana, the advice Virgin Mary gives to the disciples to solve the pressing need of the time is to “Do whatever He tells you” (John 2:5).
Therefore, the Word of God is a guide for daily living, on how we relate, how we pray, a guide in difficult circumstances etc.
Every advice we need in this world is contained in the bible. Those who truly practice the word can experience true blessedness and peace both in this world and after.
Also, Heaven, at last, belongs to those who live the Word. Living in the Word is the best thing that will happen to any soul. It is the greatest avenue to experience the power of God and the change of life.
The One who builds on A Solid Foundation
Today, Jesus sees the one who lives by the Word as a house built on a solid foundation which nothing on earth can defeat.
Jesus is that Rock ( 1 Peter 2:4, Acts 4:11) because Jesus is the Word of God (John 1:1-3). When we live in His Word, we make Jesus our sure foundation. The only sure foundation to build is on Jesus.
There are many today who make people their foundation. Whatever their person says whether it is accordingly or not, they swallow it hook and sinker. Because of this, their faith has been affected and their love for God begins to wane.
Sometimes, they forget also that there is the spiritual just as we have the physical. Many thus begin to see everything with the eyes of the mechanical. They are among those people who tell you that Jesus never existed while they are not even aware that scriptures, archaeological discoveries, history and even the Quran said He did.
They tell you that Christianity is a scam while Christianity preaches nothing but salvation, peace, love forgiveness, faith in the midst of difficulties, eternity etc.
Some people also obey the word of their political and societal leader more than they heed to the word of God.
The truly wise man is one who knows that He is just a visitor to a world He did not know how it came to be.
Hence, He decides to abide by the dictates of the Creator of the world who alone knows how one can survive in it.
Jesus as the Rock
When speaking of Jesus as the Rock in Romans 9:33, Paul says that whoever believes in Him will never be disappointed. Jesus can never disappoint you when He is your guide.
When Jesus is the Foundation, nothing on earth can defeat us. It means you are the wise man. It ensures that a Supreme Hand is guiding you, and victory is sure at last.
Let us build our lives on this Solid Foundation and not a human foundation. Every other foundation will fall or depart from this world with us one day to meet our Creator. Only Jesus is the Sure Foundation and when Jesus is the foundation, we will not crash.
When He is the rock, we shall stand against every challenge and temptations. There will be peace, love and progress and then heaven at last.
This is what He means when He says “Rain came down, floods rose, gales blew and hurled themselves against that house, and it did not fall: it was founded on rock”. Therefore, let us build our lives on a solid rock.
To build our lives on Jesus is to build our lives on holiness, faith, charity, good work, prayer life, and total communion with God.
When we build our lives on Jesus, we will never crash. We may undergo difficulties, problems, persecutions, temptations etc, but victory will be ours at the end. For Grace is always abundant even in the time of weakness.
May God bless you and give you the grace to live according to His Word. May He help us to defeat all your challenges. Amen
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Abba Father we use you as our rock, may we never put it hearts on mere human people. We can do nothing without you God . we need ur power daily .amen.
Amen. Today’s breakfast with the word have assured me that, he will not disappoint those who believe in him. This means that I will not be disappointed. Thank you Father for the good work of God that you are doing
Amen and Amen
I pray that we always remember that Christ is our rock even in the times of challenges, that when we call upon him ,he will answer us,he never fails.
AmenThanks fathef
Amen and Amen
Help me Lord to live and build my life on You, the solid rock. Give me the grace to live my life in your words today and always, Amen.
Amen. Jesus Christ, You are my strong foundation. Give me the grace to remain in You no matter the circumstances surrounding me.
Amen and Amen🙏🙏🙏🙏 thank you Padre!
Amen. God, You have always been my foundation. Give me the grace to remain in You.
Amen! God, may we always remember to lay our foundation in you as our solid rock, Amen
Thank you Padre for today’s reflection. I pray that HIS grace will see us through at all times. Amen
Amen, Lord please give me your grace to always abide in Your word , also help me to build my life on that solid Rock which is Jesus so that at the end of life heaven will be my reward .
Amen! Thank you Padre! God bless you and have a wonderful month ahead.
Thanks for the inspiring words, father
Father, make me to be like the wise man who build on a solid Rock in the name of Jesus AMEN.
Padre! I believe no time is too late for one to build on a solid rock. I grabbed these! ” The grace of God is abundant even in the time of weakness! Lord I am weak help my weaken soul to raise! AMEN AMEN AND AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is ur foundation made of? is it of Christ or of the world? Are you just a hearer of God’s word or you hear and practice it? This are the questions we need to ask ourselves today. I pray the Lord will give us the grace to check ourselves to correct where we are going wrong through Christ our Lord….Amen
Amen. Thanks Padré
Amennnnnnnnnnn. Oh my God, make me unshakable, let the trials, difficulties and tribulations I encounter increase my Faith in You because I stand on the solid Rock, JESUS. Eguzorom n’oke blume bu JESUS.
God amidst the challenges in our lives may I never look back, may I always hope and have faith in you because I know my redeemer liveth and He will not let me done. Help me to build on the solid rock all the days of my life IJN Amen.
God is and remains the only foundation that we should have. He doesn’t shake we are the only people who are shaking. Be still and know that I am God psalm 46 vs 1
Thank you Fr.
Amen, God help us to always stand firm in time of tribulations
Help us oh Lord to live according to the dictates of your LAW through christ our Lord Amen
Amen. What a Sumptuous delicacy for breakfast. Thanks so much, Padre. More grace upon you 🙏
I pray that as this word has been given to us today, that this word will sink deep into our hearts.. To always obey your words, abide and uphold you, as our rock in all that we do. Channel our actions, to represent that will and expectations of yours in our lives, which is most pleasing to you. Grant us your unfailing graces to always stand firm in you, even in the time of troubles, Amen 🙏
Amen, thank you Jesus for the gift of ur word today, Lord give me the grace to live on ur word n to build on U my Lord Jesus Christ so that no challenge or trails will draw me from u but be Victorious always through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Thanks Padre as the Lord bless n fill you with more knowledge n wisdom. Amen
Amen thanks Padre
God continue to strengthen you 🙏
My lord Jesus Christ, you are my eternal rock of ages. And unto you I cling tightly. Please, don’t allow me to wander away from you, but give me sufficient grace to always abide in you. Jesus, I love you; all I have is yours; yours I am and yours I want to be; do with me whatever you will. I pray in Jesus name, amen. More unctions to you Fr Sanctus.
Thank you Jesus.
May God give us the strength to have our foundation knowledge in him which precedes every other victory on this Earth and beyond. Amen
Nice piece, thank you fr.
Dear Lord pls grant me your grace to be wise by making you my solid foundation through living according to your words. Amen 🙏
Amen and Amen
Jesus is my rock and my foundation.
Jesus the rock of my life
Amen. Lord Jesus Christ you are the foundation of my life and family. Be our solid rock against our foes. Amen.
Amen … We pray for God’s grace
Amen and Amen
Amen and Amen
May God strengthen us to live and dwell in His words.
The word of God is food for our souls, may we continue to abide in His words and may our hearts be filled with His righteousness, Amen
On Christ The solid rock I stand
Truly when Jesus is your foundation nothing on Earth can move you. He doesn’t disappoint, no matter the challenges you will remain firm. Thank you Jesus
Lord Jesus! May You, tro’ The intercession of St Michael the Archangel, accord me the grace to live by Your Word; to make You the Stronghold of my life and never to waver in my faith and trust in You in the face of life challenges! A glorious Amen! God bless you real good, Padre Mia!
Amen, Father.
Dear heavenly Father, I may not have kept to your words or done your will in the past. But today and henceforth I five up my all, be my rock, my guide and shield in all that I do and am, take the wheels of my life and do with me whatsoever you will, yours I am dear Lord Jesus. May my roots be grounded in you now and forever..Amen
On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other grounds is sinking sand
My God and my savior, help me to build my earthly house with a foundation according to your standard, do not forsake nor abandon me in the face of trial and tribulations of this world through the same Christ our Lord.
Thank you Rev. Fr. Marion, for always being a blessing to my soul and for your words of encouragement are my sure plug in this life.
Father increase my faith and give me the grace to live in holiness, charity, good work and to be in communion with you i pray 🙏🙏 IN Jesus name amen