Breakfast with the Word Monday Fourth Week In Ordinary Time of the Year B
The gospel of Mark 5:1-20 reports the encounter between Jesus and a man with an unclean spirit. Mark reports that immediately Jesus steps out of the boat in the territory of the Gerasenes, a man with an unclean spirit runs to Him and falls at His feet and begins to shout, proclaiming the name of Jesus and asking Him not to torture Him.
When Jesus asks Him who he is, he said his name is legion for they are many. Then Jesus commands them to enter into the pigs at their pleading. Immediately, up to two thousand pigs drown inside the lake when the demons entered into them.
This caused panic among the people who then begged Jesus to leave their neighbourhood, and He did. If you run to Jesus, He will deliver and liberate you as the man did, but if you ask Him also to leave, He will leave as well. God respects our choices and freedom. There are other reasons we have to run to the Lord, and they are:
1. Nothing Beyond His Power.
In Mark 4:35-41, Jesus demonstrated His power over the forces of nature by calming the storm. Today He demonstrates His power over the forces of evil by a demonically possessed man. Therefore, these two stories reveal the power of Jesus.
There is nothing beyond the power of God to do. Hence, when we encounter challenges, both spiritual and physical, never limit what God can do and what He cannot do. There is nothing beyond the power of God to do.
The Power of His Presence.
In the gospel of yesterday of Mark 1:21-28, the presence of Jesus in the synagogue made an unclean spirit uncomfortable, and it began to shout. Also today, in the gospel of Mark 5:1-20, the same thing happened.
The spectacular thing about that of today is that the demoniac lives among the tombs. Jesus was stepping out of the boat before He met him. Yet despite the distance, the demoniac could not withstand the presence of the Lord. He has to run to Him immediately and begins to beg.
Therefore, the presence of Jesus makes demons uncomfortable. St Padre Pio says if you want the devil to fear you, make yourself available to Jesus. Always spend time with the Lord. Therefore, we need His presence in our troublesome lives, in our distorted families, homes and country.
When we sincerely agree to invite Him and make peace with the Lord, everything begins to change. Peace and progress will come back again.
Nothing makes a soul happier than being at peace with the Lord, and nothing makes one so courageous and confident than an inner and full conviction of the abiding presence of the Lord.
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The Challenges of the Christian Ministry and the Ways Out. 4th Sunday
You are in the Midst of Storm: Reflection on Mark 4:35-41
Can We Submit Under the Authority of Jesus?
In the Midst of Storm: Reflection on Mark 4:35-41
The Only Way to See Results. Reflection on Mark 4:1–20.
The Family of Jesus : What We have to understand. Mark 3:31–35.
Conversion of St. Paul: Lessons from the Encounter.
The Way to Change: Sunday Breakfast with the Word
The Power of “ I am Sorry”: Why We need to Apologise.
Power Over Every Condition.
The life situation of this demoniac seems to be pathetic. He has been living in the tombs all these years. In Palestine, people are buried in caves and tombs. Sometimes this serves as a shelter to whoever wants to live there. But living there is a sign that the person has already cut out from the ordinary society.
The gospel (Mark 5:1-20) says that efforts have been made to resuscitate Him, but they seem to end up in futility. Yet, every past condition of the man was revived, only with the presence of the Lord.
How hard it may be.
The demons possessing the man are numerous. So, the destruction of the pigs shows how destructive and powerful they seem to be. The demoniac also has lived in tombs for years. So, all hope to get him back may have been lost.
Mark 5:1-20 says that no one was able to guard him even with a chain. He can break every chain and fetters, and no one could even control or subdue Him. He always bruises himself with stones but immediately he meets Jesus, he runs to Him and begins to beg. Only a word from Jesus and they were all on the run.
We need Jesus.
Therefore, we have to run to Jesus daily and every moment of our lives. The demoniac ran to Jesus and thus was liberated and transformed from a demonically possessed person to a disciple of Jesus because after the encounter He goes about telling people about the mighty thing the Lord has done for Him. So, never lose hope yet.
Things may happen even when you least expect that. This man today met Jesus unexpectedly and thus received His transformation. We may not know the day God is going to answer your prayers and liberate you. Remain faithful always.
Sometimes it is not everything that happens to us is physical. Some could be spiritual as we have seen today. In the spiritual realm, we need a mighty hand to deliver us.
May God give us the grace to continue to abide in Him. May He work a mighty thing in your life today. Amen