Breakfast with the Word Saturday 34th Week Ordinary Time of the Year B
The end is the termination of life or state of something that is already active. When something comes to end it means it has come to the final part of its activity.
All through this chapter (Luke 21), Jesus talks about the end of life or the end of the world as the case may be and the final appearance of the Kingdom of God.
From every indication of what Jesus says, the end will be devastating and catastrophic. The most interesting part is that this day will surely take us unawares and by surprise.
In this also, we can talk about the end of our lives which will surely happen one day. The most intriguing part of it is that nobody knows the day, the hour, how and where it will surely happen.
In today’s gospel, Jesus gives us the hint on how we can survive our end or the end of time, despite how terrible it may be. They are:
1.Constant Communion with God
To survive however our end will be, we have to ensure that we are constantly in communion with the Creator.
In God’s presence we will finally give an account of all we have done.
Therefore, when we are truly in communion with Him, what else do we worry? He already knows you love Him and is willing to reciprocate the love back at the end.
We commune with God through our prayer life, reading His word, constant visitation to the Blessed Sacrament and involving God in everything we do.
Jesus says today that this is where we draw our spiritual strength to face whatever.
But today we underrate the power of prayers.
Some people do say that the reason is that we do not see who we are praying to.
The point is that, we have to understand that prayer is a spiritual encounter. Prayer is a meeting point between the physical and the spiritual. It possesses a great spiritual force. Never underrate what happens in the spiritual when you kneel to pray.
In the gospel, Jesus did not say we pray once or two. He says, “Stay awake, praying at all times for the strength to survive all that is going to happen, and to stand with confidence before the Son of Man.’
Therefore, we have to Pray at all times without getting tired. This is the source of strength to face the tragic end and where we can tap the grace to be in the presence of the Son of Man.
Our communion with God now, gives us great confidence that at the end, He will not allow the soul of His beloved one to suffer in damnation (Acts 2:27, Psalms 16:10).
2. Be Vigilant
The first statement in today’s gospel says “be watchful”.
We know that the vigilante group are those who keep vigil and watch in case of any possible danger.
This involves a life of critical observation of the signs that Jesus has already instructed.
In verse 7 of this chapter (Luke 21), they ask Jesus how they could be able to dictate the time. Jesus warns them to always watch so that they will not fall. He then proceeds to give the signs of the time.
It means that failure to keep watch is the easiest way to fall in danger. We are vigilant whenever we are alert to prevent any bad thing from happening to us. To survive our end too we have to be very careful in everything we do.
We need to be careful on how we live our lives. We need to be watchful on the kind of people we allow into our lives. Sometimes instead of leading us to God, they lead us away from God. We need to be careful.
As we try to take care of our bodies, let us remember that the soul needs more attention. The body will still decay in this world, but the soul remains.
Therefore, we have to be watchful and remember that life will still end one day, no matter how we protect it. Therefore, let us also take care of our souls.
3. Do not be Carried Away
I visited a family one day. Immediately I entered the compound, I saw the man angrily flogging His children.
I have to stop Him and ask Him the reason He is flogging them in such a manner. The man took me to the back of their house and showed me how a dog devastated a pot of meat they kept outside to dry.
He was furious because He told the children to keep watch or at least stay close to the meat to avoid a story.
But unluckily for the man, that day was on a day Chelsea was playing Manchester United in a premier league match.
They were carried away and forgot the warning to keep watch. They even failed in their promise to obey the father.
The father came back unexpectedly and saw that the meat has been devastated by their dog. The worst of it is that the father is a Manchester United fan and Manchester United lost the match to Chelsea. So He combined all the anger and transferred it on the children.
Like the children, sometimes the problem is not that we do not keep watch or that we do not pray sometimes.
We try to, but at some points in time, we become carried away by the pleasures of this world. We tend to forget that we have a mission and destination in life.
Many times we forget that our life, in the end, is very short. Because of the comforts and enjoyments in the world, we think that this earth is our final home. Because of the things we see, many tend to lose hope in God.
Some people think that God is nothing but an imported idea. Like the man came back and was flogging His children, it is at the end of our lives that we sometimes realise how limited our life is.
So, today Jesus warns us that to truly prepare and survive the end, let us not be carried away by the cares of this life. The message today is that there is a need to be ready at all times despite our busy schedule.
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God’s Favour Maybe What You need: Inspiration
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When you go Through Persecution
Lord give us the grace to be watchful and not to be Carried away by the things of the world Amen
Keep watch and be ready at all times! Pray in season and out of season.
Amen. Thank you fr
May the word which we have read keep us spiritually alert in Jesus name Amen
Thank you Fr.
May God Almighty continue to give us the grace and strength to stay awake and not give up in praying.
Fr. Are you a Manchester fan.. Lol
May the Lord help us to always be ready, stay awake and pray without seizing 🙏
I pray for God’s grace to be ready at all times, and that the pleasures of this world not to make us to forget that the end is near Amen
God Almighty please help me so that cares and worries of this world will not distract me from giving you the full attention and obedience you deserve from me.
Lord in all my dealings, may I never loose sight of purpose here on earth. Help me to always keep watch and do your will. Amen
May God give us the grace to be in communion with Him at all times so that we will not be carried away by the things of this world. Amen
Many thanks to you Fr for this awakening msg… Praying that God grant us the grace & Strenght to always keep watch, keep Praying & to get prepared at all times nomatter the situation, inorder not to be taken unawares at that appointed time, which is the end of time known to God alone, Amen!
Amen. Lord give us the grace to be watchful.
Thanks Padre
A need to be prepared despite my tight schedule. Oftentimes I wonder how time fly this day and that has made me to realise the limited time left to crave for the world and its vanity.
Thanks Padre Santus Mario for this life touching warnings.
So help me God. Amen
Thank you Father
All knowing God thank You for Your words ,may we not suffer in vain , let’s be vigilant and watchful for no one knows the hour we will be called upon . Abba Father thanks for reminding us Your words Amen
Thanks so much father for sharing, I pray all am doing right now is what God wants of me, I pray I prepare for his coming. Amen!
Thank you Lord for all you have done
I pray for the Grace to ever be in communion with you, be vigilant and not be carried away. Amen
We depend on you Lord.
May God help us to always prepare in order not to be astray in Jesus name, Amen
Thank you Padre. I pray for the grace to be vigilant always .
May the lord give me the strength not to be carried away by the things of the world and so always be ready for what is to come.
Through christ our lord
Oh Lord give me the grace to continually long for you in my life and in all that I do, AMEN
Lord I ask for the grace to always be watchful and commune with u at all times in Jesus name amen. I ask for the grace to create time for you an d not been busy with the things of the world, may the spirit of God help me to achieve this in Jesus name amen. Thank you fr. for this great words of encouragement. More grace in Jesus name amen.
Lord e ask for the grace to follow and to always remember the end in Jesus name. Amen🙏
Today’s reflection is a reminder to each and everyone of us of the shortness of our life and hence, we’re called to live our lives as if we’ll die the next minute.
However, Christians today are carried away with so many distractions from different areas of life that we make resolutions this minute and violate them the next minute. And end up living a life of “k’anyi biri be ndu, anyi meecha amara ihe anyi g’eme echi” (let’s live for today, tomorrow will take care of itself).
We pray for the holy spirit in our lives to constantly direct us and make us steadfast in the way of truth. Amen.
The need to be ready at all times despite our busy schedule, don’t be carried away by the comfort of this life. I pray that God will give us the grace to pray always and to put him first in whatever we do… Amen.
Thanks Padre for this wonderful message about the end time. I pray that the almighty God will continue to strengthen you and also increase my trust, hope and believe in Him, so that nothing will be able to make me loose my focus on Him in Jesus mighty name Amennnnnnn
May God help me not to be carried away by the cares of this world. Amen
God Almighty please help me so that cares and worries of this world will not distract me from giving you the full attention and obedience you deserve from me.
Dear Lord give me the cool and calmness to resist following the crowd no matter the pressure. Amen
God, we need ur grace
Lord gives us the grace to resist worldly things and be ready and watchful at all times for that glorious second coming of your MAJESTY through christ our Lord Amen
The spirit is willing to keep watch but the flesh is weak because of the things we see in our environment. Holy Ghost, help us to overcome our weaknesses in Jesus name Amen.
Thanks Fr
That we may not lose sight of Thee Lord! Thank you Padre for always being there 🙏🙏
Thanks for sharing Fr. May God help us to remain steadfast always. Amen
May God help us to keep his words in our hearts, praying and watching always to stand in confidence before the Son of Man, Amen
Lord help me to be vigilant at all times and don’t allow me to be carried away by things of the world. Amen.
May God help us to always stay awake and be watchful
Father in heaven, may we be ready at all times and steadfast in love of God and our neighbors and also firm in our duties we pray through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen 🙏🙏 y
Help me.dear Lord not to loose focus rather to always remember that heaven is the goal in Jesus name Amen.
Lord please help me to be vigilant always and not to be carried away by the things of this world through Christ our Lord Amen
Thank you Fr.
We pray for his grace to be watchful and not be carried away by the things of this world
May God grant us the grace to remain faithful till the end. Amen
Thanks so much for this, Padre. This is really topnotch.
I pray that the Lord grant us the grace to do a good introspection about our lives by taking into consideration, his warnings.. Being vigilant, prepared at all times so that death won’t take us unawares and refrain from careless living. May the Lord seal this words in our hearts’, so that after our lives here on Earth, we’ll attain eternal bliss, Amen 🙏
May God help us to be ready at all times
.. Amen
May the Almighty God give us the grace to be consistent in our preparation towards the end.
May he strengthen us not to be carried away by earthly pleasure.
I pray for the grace to be steadfast in his vineyard always, that I will never be taken unawares…Amen
Lord,we need your grace to be prayerful and watchful at all times so we won’t be carried away by life pleasures Amen
Dear Lord, pls may I not be carried away and distracted by the cares and worries of this present world. Rather, may they always serve as means for me to be ready at all times. Amen 🙏
May the word of God which is alive and Active not stand as a judgement against us at the end. Amen.
Lord, may I never be found wanting on the last day. Grant me the grace to all keep watch. Amen
Thank you For.
The family of mr& mrs ide Peter s. Is thanking God for for all his goodness and mercies all his favours and blessings upon the family , we are praying for job opportunity for both of us, we are praying for expanded business opportunity, we are also praying for increase of faith, for safe delivery , for the recovery of our mother who is sick and all other intentions that is not here mention praying saint Michael for his intercession
God help me to watch and pray, may I not die a sinner. Amen
Thank you Fr.
Teach o Lord to be ready at all times
Always pray, even though I Iack everything, lord may I never lack you
Honestly, being carried away is a major factor in all these. May the good Lord give us the grace not to form the habit of giving excuses for failure to be in constant touch with Him. May St Michael be always around us to aid us! Thanks a bunch, Padre and be richly blessed.
Dearest Jesus,help me to live a watchful and vigilant life,do not allow me to be carried away by the pleasures of this world,help me always to be in communion with you always.
The fact that the story about life after death (eternity) is heard from time to time, and man continues to live here after each of such routine spiritual guidance, makes many see it as a mirage and thus they get carried away in their erroneous assumption. But does anyone need to be told that by following Christ sheepishly we have peace of mind…. ?
So, eternity or no eternity, we are already winners and somewhat fulfilled by the associated overwhelming peace…
God I for your grace to follow everyday amen
May God give us the Grace that will see us through, – Amen 🙏
May help us to be ready at all times in Jesus name, Amen. Remain blessed Fr. Good day. Happy weekend.
God please help me to be vigilant and not to be carried away with the things of this life🙏 Amen
Grace O Lord to be watchful, consistent in prayer and never get carried away by the pleasures of this world, In Jesus Name, Amen!
Lord give me the grace to pray and always be ready at all times. Amen
God help me not to be carried away by the things of this world. help me to be alert. Amen
Lord, even in a busy world, pls help us to be prepared n alert
Father I need your grace to be conscious of the way I live my life
I thought at the end of the breakfast with the word there was going to be May God bless you dearest. Thank you Father 🙏💖
I pray that the good Lord will give us the strength to pray all the time amen
Your grace O Lord I need to be in costant communion with you,and be at alert at all and never be carried away by the passing pleasures of this world through Christ our Lord. Amen
God bless you Padre
May God always find us ready when he comes
May GOD healings hand continues to be upon me
May God help us not to be carried away by the earthly things but rather focus on doing things that are pleasing to God in Jesus name, Amen
God give us the grace not to be carried away by the things of this life but to be ready at all time.
Father lord give us the grace to be ready at all times
Thanks padre for today breakfast with the word
God bless you
May the Lord give me the grace not to be carried away by the cares of this life. Amen
We asked for ur mercy Lord, always for us to be on a safe side to know what is right and wrong and For me to do ur will on this earthly life, amen
Thank you father for this reminder. Lord help us to be ready at all times.
Thank you father for this reminder. Lord help us to be ready at all times. Amen
Amen, may God’s grace be upon all ways not to be carried away by this thing of this world when he need us. Thanks Padre.
Lord will help us 🙏
May God continue to help us
Oh God give mud the grace to be watchful and ever ready Amen
Thanks Padre
Lord, that I may be watch full and not loose focus.
Our father in heaven, please give us the grace to remain focus on your. Please Lord, do not allow us to be carried away by the things of this world that is passing away, help us not to lose focus on you no matter what we are facing in this life
Amen 🙏 may God help me
May God help us to be ready at all times, in Jesus mighty name. Amen.
O Lord, help me so that I will not be caried away by the cares of this life in Jesus name Amen
God help us Amen
Lord help us to be prepared
Sorry in this case please I have to ask, Why did God allow decisive act to alive and active for it’s difficult to children of God to overcome easley.
I dont even understand your question
May God help us to be in His presence always and be obedient to His laws. Amen
Ugochi Okolo for husband
May God continue to prepare our minds towards the end, so that it won’t take us unawares through Christ our Lord… Amen.
May almighty God help me to keep watch at.all time
May God help us to always keep watch and always pray. Amen 🙌
Oh Lord! Help us to be ready at all times and not to be carried away and be caught unawares. Amen 🙏
May God help us to be ready at all times 🙏🙏🙏
May God give us the grace to avoid all possible distractions of this world, and remain focused on things, actions, inactions and thoughts about the promised kingdom, for us to see Him face to face and be with Him for eternity, in Jesus mighty name, amen 🙏
Thank you father for the message.You just hit the nail at the head.May God help us as we try to go close to him.
LORD please give me the GRACE to be ready atvall time🙏
Amen. Lord please give us the grace to focus on the things that will bring us closer to you. Amen.
God help us to be in watched all the time and justify the end. May we be praying without season In order to be ready all the time and don’t allow the distraction for this world to take us unawares all these we asked through Jesus Christ our lord Amen.
May God continue to keep us in His Grace till the end.
Alone on our own, it is IMPOSSIBLE. Trusting in your love and mercy will lead us through for THOU alone GOD ALMIGHTY can do this.
Thanks Padre and GOD bless.
God please protect and always keep in my heart all I need to do so that I will be ready when the time comes. God bless Fr Santus Okey and protect always Amen
Lord give me the grace to be ready at all time
Thank you Padre for the word. Please Lord give me the grace and the strength to hold on to my faith in God no matter the circumstances so that will be found vigilant at all times.🙏 Amen.
Amen Padre and God’s Divine wisdom and strength.