Breakfast with the Word Thursday Week 5 in Ordinary Time of the Year
Mark 7:24-30
One of the things that affect our faith today is when it looks as if God does not want to answer your prayers in the face of difficulties. Sometimes we feel like God is keeping quiet when we have prayed and toiled asking God for something.
Sometimes it looks as if God does not answer our prayers. At this point, we become tired of praying and try to run away from Him.
The truth here is, whether you think He is answering or not answering, do not just go away from God. No one knows what He is doing. Do not just go away. Do not become tired. Stand up to the tests and be persistent.
When it looks as if God does not want to answer prayers is not a sign, He does not answer. So, it is good to be consistent in seeking the presence of God. Jesus has taught about this several times.
You can check Luke 11:1-13, Luke 18:1-8, and today the Syrophoenician woman put that into practice. We can as well put it into practice. Persistence shows you have faith that He can do it for you.
Read more
The Secret About the Inside: Reflection on Mark 7:14-23
Our Reverence to God; True or Worthless? Mark 7:1–13
Make Peace with your past: Inspiring Word 1
The Faith of the Gentile Woman.
When the woman whose daughter had an unclean spirit heard that Jesus was in Tyre, she quietly entered the house to meet Jesus.
The woman is a pagan. She would have speculated like most of us do that Jesus would not listen to her considering her background and that people will stop her from meeting Jesus because of her origin.
The woman is a Greek, and at that time, all Greeks were called dogs by the Jewish society. Therefore, the woman was considered the least in the eyes of the Jews. Because of this, she would have kept her distance from Jesus. But the woman was courageous, faithful, persistent, and yet hopeful.
At first, Jesus said no to her request, but she did not take no for an answer. Deep within her, she is not ready to leave God’s presence unless Jesus grants what she is requesting.
The lesson here is; when it looks as if God does not want to answer your prayers, is the reason we have to pray hard. The time of challenges is the time we have to raise the magnitude of our faith. It is not the time to lose hope in God.
When it looks as if God does not want to answer your prayers may be the time He wants to know if actually, if you have faith that He can do what you are requesting. It may be a time He wants to know if the reason you come to Him is only because of the request, or that you truly love Him.
When you are expecting something, and you begin to experience more challenges, keep your faith. Anything with more challenges comes with more blessings. Do not doubt this. When God wants to blesses you, many forces may try to fight and challenge you.
Whenever you observe that there are many challenges coming to you, it means something is also around the corner, Nothing happens for nothing. There is reason for everything. So, in times of challenges, keep your faith very strong.
Therefore, Never lose hope in God even when things come against you and try to force you to lose your faith. Keep your faith hanging there. It is better to hang it there than losing it at all.
If God is truly your father, then circumstances should not tell us how we should love Him.
Once it is something between you and God, do not conclude yet. Do not run or go away from God. Never get tired seeking His presence. Be there, continue to seek God’s presence. Only God knows what He is doing, and the end is always better.
May God bless you and answer your prayers in a way you least expect. Amen.
Read more
Contact with Jesus: Breakfast with the Word Mark 6: 53-56
Compassion in the Life of Jesus
The Power of “I Am Sorry: Why We need to apologise
Amen 🙏🙏
Amen and Amen our Lord help us to never loose hope in you especially in our time’s of trouble and difficulty through Christ our lord
May God continue to bless you padre with more inspiration and wisdom
Amen 🙏. You have made my day 🥂
Oh Lord, Please always draw me closer to your Presence, even in my difficulties situations never to loose hope in you.For in your Presence every mountains melt like Wax.Thanks Padre for this inspiring messages.God bless you.
Amen. Thank you Father and may God continue to bless you.
Lord! Strengthen my resolve to be persistent in my prayers. Amen
Amen and Amen.
Amen. Thanks father
Lord please bless and answer my prayers in a way I never expected. Amen
Nice one father.
Amen, God please help us not to loose hope no matter the challenges of life.
Amen. Thanks and God bless you too Fr.
Amen……. May God help me to be persistent in following Him
A loving relationship with you Lord is all I pray for. Help me love you more and more even in the mist of difficulties,for I know the plans you have for me are if good through Christ our Lord Amen
Lord please do not pass me by as I wait on You.
Thank you Father
Amen, thank you Jesus. This alone is an answer to my prayer. Padre, may God bless you abundantly through Christ our Lord. Amen
God,help me to remain strong in faith and never to leave Your presence because of the challenges of life.Amen
Please oh Lord help me to be persistent and not to be tired of praying. Amen
Amen Amen Amen Again today’s readings have given me hope to keep praying no matter how long some day one time God will give me the joy I deserve. Thanks father I pray that during this novena Mum Mary takes away this burden am carrying that has made me cry day and nights may the good lord grant me chance to see his glory too Amen
Amen and Amen! Thank you so much Father for this encouragement.
Thank you Father, may God’s presence never depart from you.
Amen 🙏🙏. Awesome Breakfast. Thank you Fr.
Amen. Thank you Jesus! Please continue to draw me nearer to you.
Amen. Thank you Padre for this inspirational message.
Amen 🙏🙏🙏
Amen! & Amen! Thanks and God bless you too Fr. for this encouraging msg.
May God grant us the grace to always hang on to me nomatter the situation or challenges that seem to compel us to loose faith, as there is always light at the end of the tunnel, Amen!
Amen.thank you father so much for the daily words of God, May God Almight continue to strengthen and bless you Amen.
Chim na za ekpere. My God answers prayers.
May God give me the grace to be persistent in the quest to know him and be closer to him no matter what the situation may be, Amen.
Amen and amen. Remain blessed padre
Amen, may God give us the grace to always remain steadfast in prayer
Amen Fr
Lord Jesus, I know that I do not deserve the mercy and favour you have freely given me to be your child. Thank you for doing many wonderful things in my life. Increase my faith in you and help me to be prayerful, patient and humble. Give me an unshakeable faith in your healing power. Drive out from my world the devil of anger and arrogance. May I always be consistent in seeking Your Face.Amen.